Floogals (s1 - 3)
The adventures of three little aliens who, after arriving on Earth, move in with a family in order to learn about human interactions while staying hidden.- Client
- Nevision / Universal Kids
- Format
- Animated series
- Release Date
- Oct 2018
- JFP VFX Supe
- Denis Jose Francois
- JFP Producer
- Steven Dorrance / Iraz Sanders
- JFP Director
- Shynola / Ruth Ducker
Jellyfish Pictures produced three series of this award‑winning hybrid show, totalling 130 episodes.
The team shot the ‘hooman’ world in live‑action with the characters lit and rendered photo‑realistically and then meticulously comped into each backplate. Great care was taken on set to record accurate scene data through HDRI information, proxies geometry and scale references using tiny 3D printed models of the Floogals themselves.